Preisliste 2024/25

HYBRIAN 1 (mit 1 Pickup) ab 3850,- EUR 
HYBRIAN 2 (mit 2 Pickups) 4650,-
 Basisversionen, aber mit allem, was eine echte HYBRIAN (R) ausmacht 

What the hell is that ?

What´s unique ?

                            Just everything !

Outputs: 2 is better than one !

Top Damping - the first ever !

A few more Tones than others

Other goodies

All customized

The one guitar for your whole playing spectrum - 
the guitar of your life !

HYBRIAN ist eine 6-saitige Gitarre im Western Style und eine vollwertige E-Gitarre in einem einzigartigen Instrument

HYBRIAN is a westerm style 6 string guitar and a fully fledged 
E-Guitar in one unique instrument

Spezielle angefertigte freischwingende Cedern (oder Fichten)-Decke mit eigens entworfener Verstrebung (HYBRIAN Bracing)

Specially made free swinging cedar top with specially designed bracing

Spezielles 3-Wege Tonabnehmersystem bestehend aus
- hochwertigem Piezo
- Kondensatormikrofon
-High Output AlNiCo Heussel handwired Pickup

 Specially designed 3-way sound transducing system included Piezo-Pickup, condenser microphone and high power output AlNiCo-Pickup

2 Wege Output System mit 3 oder 5 Wege Schalter zum Umschalten des Klanges während des Spielens

2 way outputs with 3 or 5 way switch for indivual sound creation during playing

Einzigartiges, einstellbares Deckendämpfungssystem, um die Gitarre dem individuellen Bedürfnis von Konzert zu Konzert bzw. an das jeweilige Verstärker-System anpassen zu können (Rückkopplungs-Elimination)

Unique adjustable top damping system to adapt the guitar
 to the individual need from concert to concert or to the 
respective amplifier system (feedback elimination)

Tiefer Cut-Away und Hals bis zum 24. Bund für einen größeren Tonumfang

Deep Cut-Away and Neck up to the 24th Fret for more Tone Range

 Graph Tech PRL-8341-B0 Lock - 1 Umdrehung exakt 1 Note höher/tiefer

 Graph Tech PRL-8341-B0 Lock - 1 Round is exactly one note up or down

Fishman Preamp mit Tuner, EQ und Mikrofonpegel

Fishman Preamp with Tuner, EQ and Microphone Blend

Da jedes Instrument individuell gebaut wird, sind alle Design Bedürfnisse erfüllbar (Holzauswahl, Inlays, Farbe, Lackierung, Tonabnehmerbestückung, Schalterposition)

Since each instrument is built individually, all design needs can be met 
(wood selection, inlays, color, varnish, pickup system, switch position).

Die eine Gitarre für dein ganzes 
Spielspektrum - 
die Gitarre deines Lebens !


... in my deepest mind I always missed  the experience to play a guitar with a natural acoustic sound and - with one switch - to play an e-guitar with high distortion and powerful volume without unwanted feedback.


... of developement. I destroyed a lot of factory built guitars in modifying them. It took a lot of trials with pickups, mics and piezos to generate a satisfying sound.


At last I recognized, you can´t get the best out of it, using an industrial produced guitar. So I decided to build a new form of guitar by my own. It´s a hybrid of elements of best acoustic guitars, combined with elements of classic e-guitars. It took a lot of woodwork and engeneering art to make this dream come true.


In partnertship with Konrad Sauer 
I found the man with the required know how in building guitars, to bring this vision to shape. 
You won´t believe ? 
All Songs on our new Album were played with a HYBRIAN prototype.
Listen to it, and I´m shure you ´ll understand what I´m talking about!

"If I had met Konrad Sauer earlier, I would have saved a lot of time ! 
Thanks to this famous luthier."

Ian Key

A Creative Team Work

The developement and construction was a Team Work of Jo Ian K. and Konrad Sauer. Hybrian is a registred Trademark of Ian Key Guitars / Ian Key Soundfactory  
Pat. pendend                                All Rights reserved 2022